quarta-feira, 26 de outubro de 2011

Mais "By nightfall"

Sem dúvida uma das melhores coisas que li este ano. Tem que ler em inglês. Mas tenho curiosidade em saber se no português a coisa é tão linda assim. Se alguém souber, avisa.

"And so, Peter had imagined he could be swept off, could ruin the lives of others (not to mention his own) and yet retain some aspect of blamelessness because passion trumps everything, no matter how deluded, no matter how doomed. History favors the tragic lovers, the Gatsbys and the Anna K.s, it forgives them even as it grinds them down. But Peter, a small figure on an undistinguished corner of Manhattan, will have to forgive himself, he´ll have to grind himself down because it seems no one is going to do it for him. There are no gold-leaf stars painted on lapis over his head, just the gray of an unseasonably cool April afternoon. No one would do him in bronze. He, like all the multitudes who are not remembered, is waiting politely for a train that in all likelihood is never going to come."

Página 221.

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